You Can Safely Send Non-Public Information (NPI) to First Western Trust
December 3, 2022
What is NPI?
First Western Trust (FWT) defines NPI as any personal information gathered while doing business, such as: address, phone, SSN/TIN, account numbers, financial information, etc.
At First Western, we make it easy for you to securely send and receive email without risk to your sensitive information.
Start by sending an email to your Banker and let them know you need to send something securely. The Banker will respond by sending you an encrypted, secure email. Once you receive the secure email from your Banker, type your message in the body of the email and attach whatever you need to send to the Banker. Your sensitive information is secure throughout the process.
The secure email will look like this:
You will click on “Open Message”, and you will need to create a password. Once the email is opened it will look like this:
Click “Reply” to this message and enter or attach your NPI. Click “Send” to provide information securely to your FWT Banker.
For more information about how to stay safe online visit https://staysafeonline.org provided through the National Cyber Security Alliance.